Nov 22nd well we just finished up several busy days. We got back from Disney Wednesday morning and unpacked the MH and put it back into storage. We then went and picked up the blinds that we had ordered and started to install them. On Thursday Jon golfed and when he returned he had the foursome help move the furniture out of the rooms to have the new carpet installed on Friday, and after that we attended the pot luck at the club house here in the park. On Friday prior to the carpet installers coming, Jon installed the rest of the blinds as the rooms were bare and had unlimited access. Kathleen met with the weekly knitting/crochet group here and handed in an afghan she has been working on for two winters. The group supports “Project Linus” which provides blankets for hospitalized children. She came home and promptly started another one which she hopes will not take so long to complete! After the carpet was installed we had our friends come in and help move the furniture back. With this finished we then went to the American Legion for their monthly fish fry, we were not disappointed as we did this last winter and it is still just
as good. On Saturday Jon was in a golf tournament held by the Legion, and as it happened with being at the right place at the right time we had our picture taken and it was put in the local paper. Since this tournament starts with a Bloody –Mary and your cup is refilled after a few holes we had a great time. We did have it set up as Jon drove the foursome that morning and Jane picked up Kathleen and the ladies drove the men to the Legion for a lunch and the results of the tournament. We finished with a 1 over and the winners had a 6 under, we were really happy about the way we played. That evening we attended the dance at the club house and finished off a great day. Sunday we went to church and after that did a little shopping, wanted to buy a canister sweeper for the new rug. After that we relaxed in the afternoon. Sunday evening we went to a combined church service with two other churches in Sebring. It was a great time for all in attendance. On Monday we went bowling and Jon really doesn’t want to talk about it as he had a really bad day, on the other hand Kathleen had a great day and beat Jon two out of three games, Jon was happy for her. We play cards on Monday nights and the people were talking about “Dancing with the Stars” and since we never really watched it when we came back we did vote several times for Bristol, since we hope that she wins and gets a little retribution for the crap her and her family had to go through with the liberal biased media. As you can see we had a very busy time, but still great to be in a camping resort.
Nov 17th we just got back from three great days in Disney World. We took the motor home and stayed in Ft. Wilderness. There were several other couples from Jon’s campground in Pa. that were there also and we all had such a good time. It was a little different this time as we didn’t have any big dinner’s together but we just ate at the smaller café’s that are around the park. Also we rode more of the rides that are for all ages, whereas before we mainly rode the more thrill seeking ones. As we said before this is the number one entertainment capital in the world bar none, and we enjoyed it. We returned to our Avon Park home and unloaded the camper, filled it with fuel and stored it away for the winter at a storage place we have in the area. Also on Wednesday morning we got the call that our blinds were finished and we picked the up and plan to have them installed before the new carpet is installed on Friday, as we said before we are helping the economy in the area. Good to be back at the resort and once again it’s great to be at a campground.
Nov. 5th what a two weeks we had, as we got to our Florida home everything was good, we opened the door and it was just as we left it. Then we had to get to work as the sod that was new and we hadn’t seen was over growing the new sidewalks that we had installed. So it was off to stimulate the economy, as we bought an edger and also a pressure washer to clean the siding. After Jon edged the lawn, we needed two new sprinkler heads since he cut two off with the edger. It didn’t stop there as we wanted to replace several panes of glass, and also strip all of the windows and repaint them. Then we went and bought new carpet and furniture, the carpet will be installed before Thanksgiving and the furniture is supposed to be here around the beginning of December. We also bought new blinds for 8 windows and they should be here in two weeks. During this time Jon ran a new receptacle to the rear of our house for the sprinkler system and also to add an additional receptacle for outside use. Beside all of this Jon went to get new glasses to replace the ones he lost this summer, and wound up buying two pair, one for reading and general inside use and a as second pair of sunglasses that have a small area for bifocals to be used on the golf course and just general outside use. So as you can see we are doing our share to help the area economy. We did get back to our church and met up with a lot of friends we left in the spring. It’s another great Florida day and a great day in a CG (Resort).
Nov 17th we just got back from three great days in Disney World. We took the motor home and stayed in Ft. Wilderness. There were several other couples from Jon’s campground in Pa. that were there also and we all had such a good time. It was a little different this time as we didn’t have any big dinner’s together but we just ate at the smaller café’s that are around the park. Also we rode more of the rides that are for all ages, whereas before we mainly rode the more thrill seeking ones. As we said before this is the number one entertainment capital in the world bar none, and we enjoyed it. We returned to our Avon Park home and unloaded the camper, filled it with fuel and stored it away for the winter at a storage place we have in the area. Also on Wednesday morning we got the call that our blinds were finished and we picked the up and plan to have them installed before the new carpet is installed on Friday, as we said before we are helping the economy in the area. Good to be back at the resort and once again it’s great to be at a campground.
Nov. 5th what a two weeks we had, as we got to our Florida home everything was good, we opened the door and it was just as we left it. Then we had to get to work as the sod that was new and we hadn’t seen was over growing the new sidewalks that we had installed. So it was off to stimulate the economy, as we bought an edger and also a pressure washer to clean the siding. After Jon edged the lawn, we needed two new sprinkler heads since he cut two off with the edger. It didn’t stop there as we wanted to replace several panes of glass, and also strip all of the windows and repaint them. Then we went and bought new carpet and furniture, the carpet will be installed before Thanksgiving and the furniture is supposed to be here around the beginning of December. We also bought new blinds for 8 windows and they should be here in two weeks. During this time Jon ran a new receptacle to the rear of our house for the sprinkler system and also to add an additional receptacle for outside use. Beside all of this Jon went to get new glasses to replace the ones he lost this summer, and wound up buying two pair, one for reading and general inside use and a as second pair of sunglasses that have a small area for bifocals to be used on the golf course and just general outside use. So as you can see we are doing our share to help the area economy. We did get back to our church and met up with a lot of friends we left in the spring. It’s another great Florida day and a great day in a CG (Resort).