May 31st We arose early and did some touring today. A funny thing happened today as leaving the campground we turned left and drove about ½ mile and discovered that our gas tank was empty and we knew there were no stations going west for at least 35 miles, so we turned around and went back 5 miles and filled up. Upon going west we decided to stop at a local fruit stand and buy some produce, so at that point we were about 45 minutes behind our original schedule. We then stopped for breakfast in Spring Run and found a great place that had good food at very a reasonable price. We drove to Shanksville to visit the Flight 93 Memorial for our fallen heroes on 9/11/01. It is a very somber place and at the present time it is under construction and is scheduled to have this phase finished by 9/11/11 and total completion by 9/11/2014. After that we drove to Indiana, Pa to tour the James Stewart Museum. Even though he was a great actor, he considered his military duty more important and throughout his life he visited his home town often. We then made our way home, stopping at both a NAPA store and Wal-Mart. So once again it was a great day.

May 22nd after work yesterday, and it was a long day, we left around 8PM and drove to Kathleen’s son’s place where we stayed overnight. We arose early and 5 of us went into Lebanon to be extra townspeople in a movie that is being shot there. The movie is going to be about the Blue Eye Six, which is local story in our hometown lore. Kathleen, her son and granddaughter, are decedents of one of the famed Six. It was a long day with a lot of hurry up and wait, but a great experience for all of us and we had a good time doing it. We sure would like to see this become a big screen event, as it has a lot of story behind it. After that we stopped in to see Jon’s mom for a short visit and than we did a quick Wally World stop before heading home. Arrived at the MH in the late afternoon and just relaxed after a long day.
May 16th we did a lot of driving today as we went to Easton to get another bumper for our car and also on the way back we got an estimate to have our car repaired. While still in Florida when we were on our way to the Bay Pines VA Hospital we were rear ended at a red light. We received payment to have it repaired, and now we are getting everything together to have it done. When we returned home Jon replaced the bumper assembly and just has to put on the step guard another day. Even though in was a rainy day it was a good day to get everything done and it is great to be at a campground.
May 2nd well we did our Cabela’s thing yesterday and we had a great time and bought some great items, best of all didn’t cost a thing. Today was the first day of work for Jon and he got reacquainted with a lot of the shop and also learned some of the new items brought into the shop along with new challenges that are up coming. He started to install lights in the one area of the shop that were purchased over the winter; he will finish up that job tomorrow. At the end of the day as any first day of work after a lay-off of 6 months he was sore and tired. Kathleen had the day off and will be in the office tomorrow for her first day. She did take this off day to go shopping at her favorite store here in Perry County. She does have a few other shops to go to but they can wait till another day. As again another good day at the campground.
May 2nd well we did our Cabela’s thing yesterday and we had a great time and bought some great items, best of all didn’t cost a thing. Today was the first day of work for Jon and he got reacquainted with a lot of the shop and also learned some of the new items brought into the shop along with new challenges that are up coming. He started to install lights in the one area of the shop that were purchased over the winter; he will finish up that job tomorrow. At the end of the day as any first day of work after a lay-off of 6 months he was sore and tired. Kathleen had the day off and will be in the office tomorrow for her first day. She did take this off day to go shopping at her favorite store here in Perry County. She does have a few other shops to go to but they can wait till another day. As again another good day at the campground.